Sample Concert Programs 
Sleepless in Leipzig
Johann Sebastian Bach's Goldberg Variations is a monumental masterpiece, a summit of achievement from a master craftsman. Johann Gottlieb Goldberg, harpsichordist, performed the work for the insomniac Count Kaiserling at his bedtime. This arrangement for string trio reveals the contrapuntal genius of the work. A spiritual journey of beauty and art guaranteed to inspire. (Half of full program; can be presented as a lecture-recital/demonstration paired with other versions of the Goldbergs, or with other works for trio)
J.S. BACH Goldberg Variations, BWV 988 (arr. for string trio by D. Sitkovetsky)
Remembered Voices: Recovering "Degenerate” Music
The cultural landscape after World War II was one scarred by omissions – the work of composers, artists and writers systematically suppressed by the Third Reich. Many perished in concentration camps, others’ productivity was curtailed—all were fated to be forgotten after the war. Recent efforts to recover this music allow us to offer this program of profoundly beautiful and inspiring works from composers writing in search of hope in the darkest days of their lives, music that has stood the test of time and remains accessible and relevant today. (Half or full program)
HANS KRÁSA Passacaglia and Fugue for String Trio
HANS GÁL String Trio in F# Minor, Op. 104
GIDEON KLEIN Trio for Violin, Viola and Cello
HANS KRÁSA Dance Tanec
MIECZYSLAW WEINBERG Trio for Strings, Op. 48
Shall We Dance?
From the baroque to the contemporary, dance is everywhere! This program leads listeners through the evolution of dance in the string trio repertoire. Put on your dancing shoes and start tapping!
BACH Goldberg Variations Nos. 7, 19, 24
MOZART Menuetto Allegretto (from Divertimento in Eb, K.563)
BEETHOVEN Allegretto alla Polacco (from Serenade in D Major, Op. 8)
BEETHOVEN Scherzo (from String Trio in G Major, Op. 9 No. 1
SCHUBERT Menuetto (from String Trio in B flat, D.581
MARTINŮ Poco allegro (from String Trio No. 1, H. 136)
KLEIN Molto vivace (from String Trio)
KRÁSA Dance Tanec
PIAZOLLA Invierno porteno - winter (from Four Seasons of Bueonos Aires)
Reinventing Tradition
Mozart’s Divertimento K 563 hides under its title: instead of a bauble of light frothiness it is one of his most ambitious, comprehensive and extraordinary pieces, a true masterpiece in a challenging medium. Our program pairs Mozart’s K.563 with Pulitzer Prize-winning composer John Harbison’s brilliant “response” to it, his String Trio from 2013. Deemed a “major addition to the repertoire,” Harbison’s is a work of solid craftsmanship that demonstrates his gift for composing dissonant counterpoint that is pleasing to the ear, intellectually satisfying, and fully accessible.
MOZART Divertimento for String Trio in Eb, K. 563 (1788)
HARBISON String Trio (2013)
Czech Please!
Music of the Czech lands is filled with folk tunes and colorful melodies that are sure to delight in this entertaining and diverse program. (Offered in collaboration with pianist)
GIDEON KLEIN Trio for Violin, Viola and Cello
BOHUSLAV MARTINŮ String Trio No. 2, H. 238
ANTONÍN DVOŘÁK Piano Quartet No. 2 in Eb, Op. 87
Serenades and Divertimenti
The divertimento was a genre from the 18th century intended to delight and entertain audiences. How Mozart does this in music that is also monumental and profound is a testament to his extraordinary genius, inspiring Beethoven’s Op. 8 Serenade.
BEETHOVEN Serenade in D major, Op. 8
MOZART Divertimento for String Trio in Eb, K. 563
A Fugue Good Men
From the baroque to the contemporary, composers are drawn to fugue, the most challenging form of counterpoint to write, and one of the most engaging and rewarding forms for listeners to follow and unravel. The Aspen String Trio leads listeners through the many complexions of fugues.
MOZART Prelude & Fugue No. 3 in F minor, K. 404a (after J.S. Bach and W.F. Bach)
MOZART Prelude & Fugue No. 5 in Eb, K. 404a (after J. S. Bach and W.F. Bach)
REGER String Trio in D, Op. 141b
MOZART Divertimento for String Trio in Eb, K 563
Too Many Notes!
Flashy and exciting, this program is guaranteed to keep you dazzled and on the edge of your seat! Challenging, driving, and colorful sounds keep listeners engaged from beginning to end.
SCHUBERT String Trio in Bb, K.471
MARTINŮ String Trio No. 1, H. 136
R. STRAUSSS Variations on a Bavarian Folksong, for string trio
DOHNÁNYI Serenade for String Trio in C major, Op. 10
All Beethoven
The genius of Beethoven is supremely evident in his Op. 9 string trios. Composed when he was 27, these works, gems on their own, show the mastery and brilliance of the monumental works to come. Music that is uplifting, inspiring — magical.
String Trio in C minor, Op. 9 no. 3
String Trio in D major, Op. 9 no. 2
String Trio in G major, Op. 9 no. 1